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List of 3 star hotels in Cervia
Hotel Levante
Via Piemonte, 1448015 PinarellaOfficial website > -
Hotel Primula Azzurra
Via Val D'Arno, 448015 PinarellaOfficial website > -
Hotel Lungomare
Lungomare Gabriele D'annunzio, 2648015 CerviaAnnual openingOfficial website > -
Hotel Zenith
Via Valpadana, 648015 PinarellaOfficial website > -
Hotel Suisse
Viale 2 giugno, 132 - IV traversa a mare48015 Milano MarittimaAnnual openingOfficial website > -
Park Hotel Pineta
Viale Italia, 36048015 CerviaAnnual openingOfficial website >
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