Discos Lidos of Ravenna
Contacts of the main discos of the Lidos of Ravenna. Information on the most popular night clubs of Ravenna's sea front and Marina di Ravenna.
Discos Lidos of Ravenna - Marina di Ravenna
Every year, the Lidos of Ravenna attract thousands of tourists who are interested in enjoying both the sea and Romagna's magic summer nights. The capital of discos and fun in the province of Ravenna is the beautiful Marina di Ravenna.
Marina di Ravenna's sea front, which is embellished by spectacular light and colour effects, is scattered with exclusive discos, pubs and clubs. The most famous ones are BBk Beach (Loops), which often arranges some of the liveliest parties of the northern area of the Riviera Romagnola, Fandango, Hemingway Cafè, MoWa and Zanzibar.
The lovers of live music will have the possibility to visit the famous Hana-Bi open-air disco, which is the summer seat of the famous Ravenna's Bronson. It often arranges important concerts by internationally renowned artists.
BBK Beach (Loops)
Via C. Colombo, 171
Punta Marina (RA)
Tel. 0544 438494
Via Cella, 50
Madonna dell'Albero
Ravenna RA
Tel. 333 2097141
Ca’ Del Liscio
Via Dismano, 129
Tel. 0544 497878
Duna Degli Orsi
Viale Pace, 60
Marina di Ravenna (RA)
Tel. 0544 530548
Fandango Mambo Beach
Viale delle Nazioni, 50
Marina di Ravenna (RA)
Tel. 0544 538457
Beach 72
Marina di Ravenna (RA)
Hemingway Cafè
Viale Thaon de Revel, 62
Marina di Ravenna (RA)
Via Staggi, 4
Porto Fuori (RA)
Viale delle Nazioni, 180
Marina di Ravenna (RA)
Tel. 0544 530239
Viale delle Nazioni, 177
Marina di Ravenna (RA)
Tel. 0544 530 234
Peter Pan (Beach 36)
Viale delle Nazioni, 36
Marina di Ravenna (RA)
Tel. 0544 53040
Zanzibar Beach
Viale delle Nazioni, 56
48023 Marina di Ravenna
Tel. 0544 530418
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